we donate 11% of profits to nature



Building a Brand

Posted on June 25 2024, By: Rachael Anderson

From ground zero it begins with an idea!

In the age of technology we all open up as a humanity to infinite possibilities to an open network of turning ideas into tangible change. It is BAREMTN Supply's mission to change the way we interact with our planet by building a lifestyle brand that asks of the consumers to be driven toward a mindset that works together with nature. Not against it.

In starting with an idea at ground zero we enter the problem first hand. With so much open access it allows us to have a fighting chance of the beginning process of the use of drop shipping to initially get the brand infront of progressive minds that share our passions. 

From point A to B we ensure that BAREMTN has a plan. We seek eco conscious strategic partners to enrich the lives of all sentient beings with fully thought through processes of growth.

In memory of our Forever Chief Nomad Willis R. Anderson, whom passed away right before our official launch with our new website. He is the visionary that we honor. His passion was to create change for Mother Earth, he was a nature enthusiast with incredible drive to get us there and we follow faithfully to bring not only his dreams but his vision of world change. He was very accomplished at the age of 35 with having international connections and an extensive background in his works with renewable energy. Not only was he the Chief Nomad of BAREMTN Supply he also privately worked behind the scenes as a Chief Strategy Officer and Chairman of an Oil replacement business. He was a revolutionary knowing that the heart of the issue was our overly dominated oil industry and the lack of creativity in creating solutions that benefit all of humanity from the root to producing sustaining fruits from the trees that breathe life upon this Earth.

Introducing BAREMTN Babe: The person behind the actions that you see from the launch of the new website, brand designs, social media marketing and the creative entertainment that awakens body, mind and spirit; leading us through the trinity of change. Willis's wife, partner and best friend. Mrs. Anderson. The glitch in the matrix herself as she embodies the chaos of mother nature. Rachael is a force; with psychic artistry she shows us through THE EYES OF REALITY the events that led to our current timeline and how she leads us to the crossing of the Einstein Rosen Bridge through the vehicle of her podcast coming soon. Stay tuned.

11% to Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture serves as a crucial lifeline for sustaining life on Earth, emphasizing topsoil rejuvenation, biodiversity, and ecosystem fortification. This transformative approach, rooted in a combination of sustainable techniques and embracing diverse philosophies, proves effective across varying scales, from small gardens to large farms. As soil health improves, regenerative agriculture reduces input requirements, boosts crop yields, and actively contributes to climate change mitigation by removing and sequestering carbon dioxide, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.